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Gamification Pitfalls and How To Avoid Them - Network World

Gamification Pitfalls and How To Avoid Them - Network World | Must Play |

Organizations are expanding their use of gamification to reap additional benefits.

Marty Note
Gamificaiton works, but bad gamifiction hurts. And bad gamification is easier than you think. Good traps and how to avoid them in this post from

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Is Google+ The Ultimate Game? A: Yes

Is Google+ The Ultimate Game? A: Yes | Must Play |
Business 2 Community How to Effectively Incorporate Google+ Into Your Brand's Content Strategy Business 2 Community Last year, the integration of Google Plus with YouTube (forcing YouTube users to have a Google Plus account) artificially added...
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great tips here for using the most disruptive tools out there to create disruption in your biz vertical.

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The Business of Gamification | Infographic via

The Business of Gamification | Infographic via | Must Play |

Gamification has quickly become a super trend in marketing, customer retention and employee engagement. Check out this new infographic: The Business of Gamification.

Marty Note
Not sure why this is an infographic, but information is helpful and well presented. Gamification WORKS online. Don't be turned off by the famous Forrester report saying 80% of all gamification will fail. Duh, 80% of anything online fails. Gamification connects visitors to your content or THEIR content on YOUR website (even better). Gamification rocks online marketing.  

Carlos Bisbal's curator insight, February 6, 2014 9:43 AM

Martin W. Smith dice que la Gamificación se ha convertido rápidamente en un super tendencia de marketing, la retención de clientes y el engagement. 


Pin de la infografía:

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Gamification Myths, Legends and Examples

Gamification Myths, Legends and Examples | Must Play |
I was recently asked whether gamification could be of use to a company. My short answer was "yes, if done right".
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

This post is a tad confusing. Is opening stances is "gamification is being driven by novelty and hype". I agree and disagree with that statement. Yes there is hype, but gamification, the application of game theory to business, is far from new. 

Airlines have been using games for years games called "frequent flyer miles".  When I was growing up moms collected books and books of S&H Greenstamps. The lotto is a game, so examples of successful game theory used by business abound. 

The idea we can create something called "enterprise gamification" for Fortune 1000 companies is somewhat new and it can be full of "hype". The web is the source of that hype. 

Any gamification system needs agreed upon rules; a "game ground" and clear stimulus matched to ever increasingly motivated response. The web makes creation of a game ground easy, players abound and so creation of games and the use of game theory are easier to apply. 

I call BS on the famous 80% will fail Gartner projection too. Or, more accurately, call "so what". I was an Internet marketer and when we started doing anything new at least 80% failed miserably. The web is a self-healing system, so today's failure is tomorrow's winner. 

Great examples in this post after you read down past the confusing intro. Worth a scan for those examples.  

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Are Gamification Startups On Their Way To $5.5B? A: Yes and that is both GOOD and BAD news

Are Gamification Startups On Their Way To $5.5B? A: Yes and that is both GOOD and BAD news | Must Play |
Gamification startups are still finding innovative methods to stake their places in new niches while producing large profits (GB: Gamification Startups Are Finding New Niches and Greater Profits
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great short post about the many new "gamification" startups being created to feed one of the hottest trends in Internet marketing. A "gamification startup" can be many things including:

* A Company That Sells Gamificaiton To Others.
* A Software As A Service product to help gamify.

* A highly gamified approach to standard business models (B2C or B2B).
* A white label platform capable of gamifying the content or commerce of others.

Gamification is hot because it works. Yes there is a, "When everyone gamifies badly gamification doesn't work," snobbery going on from some companies. I was treated poorly by a gamificaiton company that had the audacity to charge more than $100K for their gamificaiton platform.

$100K is absurd since how YOUR website should be gamified is a unique journey it needs to take. Paying someone $100K to help you modify an off-the-shelf SaaS seems goofystupid. Put that money into creating great games and rewarding your gamers and most Internet marketers would be better off.

The HEAT that is on in the #gamification space is both good and bad news. Good news because new players will come in and those new players may help lower costs. Bad news because inflated prices for something most can do by reading a book (or two) are the result of so much HEAT.

You can read the Atlantic BT Gamification: Winning Hearts, Minds and Loyalty Online white paper I wrote for FREE :).

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Is Measuring Gamification ROI Mission Impossible? A: No

Is Measuring Gamification ROI  Mission Impossible? A: No | Must Play |
Measuring ROI is an elusive task: you have external factors that affect the results; measuring the baseline is a subjective process; forecasting future impact is hard and even calculating the actual investment is a project by itself.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

This is an excellent post and the graphics are worth the price of admission.

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Complete Gamification Framework | via @yukaichou

Complete Gamification Framework | via @yukaichou | Must Play |
Gamification Expert Yu-kai Chou explains his elegent Gamification Framework that breaks Human-Focused Design into 8 Core Drives within an Octagon.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

I like this "framework" to create gamification particularly Chou's 8 Core Drives:

1) Epic Meaning and Calling

2) Development and Accomplishment

3) Expression of Creativity and Feedback

4) Ownership and Possession

5) Social Pressure and Envy

6) Scarcity and Impatience

7) Curiosity and Unpredictability

8) Loss and Avoidance

GREAT post on the HOW TOs of #gamification.  

Cool and helpful work from one of gamification's pioneers 

Erin Moore's curator insight, May 6, 2013 11:36 AM

These dives/motivations can be used to improve engagaement in any interaction.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

The Gamification Backlash Against Neo Maxi Zoom Dweebies (You and ME)

The Gamification Backlash Against Neo Maxi Zoom Dweebies (You and ME) | Must Play |
Michael Wu, Lithium's Principal Scientist of Analytics, digging into the complex dynamics of social interaction and group behavior in onl (The #Gamification Backlash + Two Long Term Business Strategies -
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Badges We Don't Need No Stinkin Badges
Had someone get pretty upset with me last night. She perceived that I was making light of gamification and tossing around the term like a neo maxi zoom dweebie.

I am an INTERNET MARKETER. This means I know and use terms like gamification with the proper amount of circumspection. I also had the "Father of Gamification" take me to the hoop the other day on Cure Cancer Starter pretty hard.

To the Gamification police I say CHILL.


Gamification has its own built in Darwinian thing. It is NOT easy and will not treat those who are looking for a quick fix well. Like any Internet marketing gamification takes testing, tweaking and listening more than you talk. These points are made in the article if a tad on the preachy side (for my taste).

I've experienced this feeling before. It is as if the lucky few inside the club now want to shut the doors because they see their reputations and livelihoods at risk by the legions of neo maxi zoom dweebies flooding the market.

All markets change and the first settlers desire to fend off the latest wave, filled though it may be with zoom dweebies, is arrogance and hubris. Better to LEARN and LISTEN (at least in my 13 years of IM and 30 years of marketing experience).

Let me judge THIS article less harshly. This post is more balanced than the comment from yesterday or my beat down from the "Father of Gamification". I'm still here working on so those things didn't KILL me but made me stronger and more determined.

Don't think gamification is the EASY thing to do inside of otherwise complicated Internet marketing. It is NOT and there are all kinds of "gamification" so study up, test and don't be pushed away from the door because those inside are saying the gamification green room is full.


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Gamification Is Dead, Long Live Gamification

Gamification Is Dead, Long Live Gamification | Must Play |
This article is about User experience and Gamification and aims to define common touch points and scenarios.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great article on what to gamify in your website's User Interface (everything) and how (carefully). 

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How FarmVille Becomes Rich Man's Crack (Addictive) Thanks To Gamification

How FarmVille Becomes Rich Man's Crack (Addictive) Thanks To Gamification | Must Play |
New to Gamification? Check out my post What is Gamification & my Gamification Framework: Octalysis Gamification Research on the Game you don't want to play but have to play Most people know about FarmVille, either because they have played it themselves,...
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great "inside baseball" post on how FarmVille uses game mechanics to become addictive. 

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5 Keys To Win With Gamification via @Gigya [whitepaper

Great white paper by Gigya shares these tips to create winning gamification:

Five Keys to Winning With Gamification:

• Set the Stage with Social Login
• Encourage More User Generated Content
• Implement Savvy Sharing
• Encourage Participation by Keeping Score
• Nurture Consumer Relationships with Rewards
My favorite tips is Savvy Sharing. Get tips on how to gamify your site and Internet marketing.
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Beat Gartner's Odds, Use Game On! Lab's (@gamkt) Gamification Canvas

Beat Gartner's Odds, Use Game On! Lab's (@gamkt) Gamification Canvas | Must Play |

Game On! Lab is the hub of reference to break down the game design into understandable elements and apply them to the professional environment in order to design, evaluate and solve engagement problems.

Marty Note
Sergio Jimenez (@gamkt) has done Internet marketers a great service. His has a "gamification canvas" that walks Internet marketers through the steps needed to add successful gamificaiton.

Gartner's famous report saying 80% of gamification installations would fail sets the table. Never mind 80% of all Internet marketing fails, use of Sergio's gamification canvas may just turn odds in your favor.

Important to turn odds in your favor since gamfication, done well, increases engagement, sharing and User Generated Content (UGC) all things every website needs these days. 

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Gamification: 6 Cool Strategies To Get Your Customers "In The Game" [3 from @ScentTrail)

Gamification: 6 Cool Strategies To Get Your Customers "In The Game" [3 from @ScentTrail) | Must Play |

Marty Note
Great post about how to increase involvement in your games with 3 simple ideas:

* Storytelling. 
* Growth Hacking.

* The Lonely Dancer Effect. 

Great section on Growth Hacking. I would add a 3 more ideas:

* Sticky Mnemonic. 
* Thermometers. 
* Leaderboards & Competition.


Sticky Mnemonics
Marketers are TEACHERS. We form information in understandable ways and we "Teach The Teachers" since our biggest goal these social media days is winning hearts and minds and creating a growing tribe of brand advocates.  

One of the most helpful tools to recruit and scale a new idea is the "sticky mnemonic". are masters of the "sticky mnemonic". "Fight poverty like a New Yorker", is a great example of an analogy that creates deep meaning and so is sticky and easy to transfer. 

When the Heath brothers put a piece of simulated duct tape on their book Made To Stick they were using a "sticky mnemonic" to help sell books. No matter what you do, sell, or preach having a sticky mnemonic helps. 

Scaling happens faster when visitors can SEE it. Ever notice how there is a regularly updated big red thermometer outside the Red Cross or United Way that shows their GOAL and PROGRESS. 

Charities know progress creates momentum when SHARED. Create a simple widget that shows progress. NEVER start with zero, but don't be afraid to share a thermometer with low numbers. Each stage of your counter's life has value for different kinds of supporters. 

Some "early adopter" supporters want to be in early so seeing a thermometer with low numbers is thrilling to them. Other supporters and community members will only want to join when it feels safe to do so. Seeing the thermometer hit its middle areas where acceptance is secure and general will motivate this “middle” group. 

Finally the laggards will join when there is an apparent cost to not joining, so seeing the thermometer nearing its goal laggards will get on board so they can say they did (and some will claim early adopter status lol). 

Leaderboards & Competition's My Community board is brilliant gamification. When I look at "My Community" I see a chart of my views compared to Scoopiteers immediately above and below me. There are Scoopers who are WAY above me and they started by showing the very top. 

Problem is Robin Good's million views just makes my 110,000 views look hopelessly behind. Robin's success SHOULDN'T mean anything to mine, but human psychology doesn't work that way. We seen Robin's success and COMPARE. 

If that comparison feels like the TOP is out of reach we stop playing the game. The only way to keep game play consistent is to build rewards in all along the journey NO MATTER WHERE a new player is in that journey.'s decision to revise the chart showing curators in the same "views" segment but hiding the top was a GENIUS move. Not only did they keep hope alive, but also their My Community chart has other valuable uses such as seeing who is trending and knowing if my content is slow or everyone is having a slow day. Brilliant gamification from a flexible leaderboard.  



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Gamify with Gamification by Design

Gamify with Gamification by Design | Must Play |
Gamification is the use of game thinking and mechanics to solve problems and engage audiences. While it can be applied to anything, I’m interested in gamifying non-game web applications, in order t...
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Gamification is Here: Build a Winning Plan!

Presentation for LavaCon 2012 enterprise gamification,gamification,game design,marta rauch,rauch,gamification messages,gamification strategies,game changers,gam (Gamification is Here: Build a Winning Plan!
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9 Tips to Power Up Your Social Media [+1 From Marty]

9 Tips to Power Up Your Social Media [+1 From Marty] | Must Play |
Social media posts tell a story about you and your brand. Here are cautions to heed, trends to follow, and steps to take as you build your social media brand...
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

The Missing Tip
These are great tips I agree with, but they are missing one BIG TIP - Gamify. Social media lends itself to gamification beautifully. When you are playing a game you look forward to notices on progress and new happenings.

When playing a game you watch the leaderboard like a golf pro leading on Sunday. The big missing tips among these excellent tips is to GAMIFY. Gamify doesn't have to be complicated.

LinkedIn gamified when they let us know our profiles are only 90% done. That simple statement made all the Type As on LI want to attain 100% profiles. 100% of WHAT exactly (lol).

See what you can gamify and make it easy to play.

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Interview With World of Warcraft Creator Richard Bartle on Gamificaiton

Interview With World of Warcraft Creator Richard Bartle on Gamificaiton | Must Play |
An Interview with Richard Bartle about Games & Gamification - Gamasutra (blog)
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Interesting article where World of Warcraft creator Richard Bartle is more generous to gamificaiton than you might have thought. Great tips too. 

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Gamification: What's the nature of our game ?

Gamification: What's the nature of our game ? | Must Play |
 " Please to meet you Hope you guess my name But what's puzzling me Is the nature of our game " Great lyrics from a great rock song! "Game" in the context of this Rolling Stones classic is  cool an...
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

You HAVE to love an article about gamificaton that opens quoting The Who. Games ROCK. Gamify me!

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Gamification On A Special Free Internet Consulting Saturday

Gamification On A Special Free Internet Consulting Saturday | Must Play |

Special Free Internet Marketing Consulting Saturday coming up on February 2nd. I will be speaking with Red Storm game designer and author Richard Dansky.

We will be discussing how he creates games and how to use that knowledge to gamify Cure Cancer Starter. Should be a great conversation. We will creating a video that will follow. 

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