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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

BANG - Mobile Games Take Over: $18 billion in 12 months

BANG - Mobile Games Take Over: $18 billion in 12 months | Must Play |

Mobile Taking Over World
No we are not in the middle of a zombie attack. We are in the middle of smart phones and mobile taking over the world. Proof enough is a sector SLOW to attract investment capital is now a darling.

I just received an iPhone 6 and love it. It is easier for fat fingers to type on, the screen is liquid gold and the sound is full of soul, sorrow and truth. The KEY is to NOT think of the phone as a phone.

The smart phone is a game console. The second key is to realize finding ways to make your content, website and marketing relevant to a gamified world where everyone has a game console and are just waiting to be told (eager to be told) what and how to do something with it.

The camera in our phones is a good example. At first NO ONE CARED. Now we take pictures of our food before we eat and "selfies" have their own TV show. When the tech is there a combination of startup entrepreneurs and intrepid early adopters blaze trails into the forest of our future.

Two suggestions are clear. If your digital marketing isn't "mobile first" you are nuts and if your machete isn't sharp good luck with that :). M

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Why TIME Is Money Online & Ecommerce Is Like Video Games

Why TIME Is Money Online & Ecommerce Is Like Video Games | Must Play |
Why TIME Is Money Online
I've wrestled with how to fit three concepts into online marketing for years:

* Narrative (storytelling).
* Video Games.
* Time.…

This post, thanks to a great game theory post by Jesper Juul, is as close as we've come to fitting these three important puzzle pieces into a "super symmetry". Time is money online and its important to understand how to create online environments that work with customer expectations and major trends such as:

* Mobile First.
* Ubiquitous and always on web.
* Social nets and increasing connections and connectivity.
* Design.
* Alignment with visitors needs, expectations and aspirations. 
* Super-Symmetry between once disparate technologies.  

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Suggested by Agnipravo Sengupta!

Why Video Games Rock Web Marketing: Top 5 Third-Person Shooter Games Of All Time

Why Video Games Rock Web Marketing: Top 5 Third-Person Shooter Games Of All Time | Must Play |

WackyKid Comment
As it has been well over a decade I’ve been into “games and stuff”, I was fortunate enough to witness their mind-boggling development starting from the early 2000s to this present day. Therefore, I feel that the time has come when I bring to you MY personal list of top 5 third-person shooter games – judged mainly under the grounds of plot strength, ease of gameplay, and quality of the graphic content.

Marty Comment
The more web marketing I create the more it feels like B2C sites are first person shooter games while B2B are third person shooter games. I wrote  about shopper as "actant" not long ago in Why Time Is Money Online ( ).

I just wrote a Curagami post about difference in B2B / B2C storytelling ( ). Will put some more flesh on the bones of this video game 1st Person Shooter vs. 3rd Person Shooter analogy for web marketing soon.

Agnipravo Sengupta's comment, November 1, 2014 12:04 AM
Wow Marty... this's one great insight! Never thought of the co-relation in that way...
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

3 MOST Important Words In Internet Marketing? Games, Gamification and Gamify

3 MOST Important Words In Internet Marketing? Games, Gamification and Gamify | Must Play |
How games can organize millions of people to accomplish great things (book ...
PandoDaily (blog)
Von Ahn told me he and his team had to work hard to gamify Duolingo, because at its core it's not a game.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

3 Most Important Words In Internet Marketing: Games, Gamification, Gamify

Why MUST Internet marketers understand games and gaming? Because the wall between THEM (game developers) and US (Internet marketers) is coming down FAST, very fast. There are three reasons for this soon to be tsunami trend:

* Web 3.0.
* How Online Environments Work.
* Human nature.

Web 3.0
We are creating right now and there are many new rules about web development that reflect where we are going already such as:
* The site is highly responsive (looks good no matter what kind of devices is looking at it).

* This new site uses a Content Delivery Network and the cloud to cache and shuffle information in so fast old rules about image size and speed (bigger = slow) almost don't apply.
* The site is "appified" or designed in a series of Lego-like modules some canned, some written by us from scratch.

Web development is going someplace very different and where we are going is where many video developers already live with extensive branding algorithms to determine what gest shown in what situations.  Soon your "website" will be a series of rules, text and images capable of being combined on the fly in an almost infinite variety of highly converting webpages.

Online Environments
Online environments are very video game like from the jump. Online starts COLD and HARSH and we web designers and developers PLAN how to warm them up. We create a series of linked "journeys" through our information.

If "a series of linked journeys" sounds like Joseph Campbell and Hero With A Thousand Faces you win a cookie. Ideally our environments are heroic and they transfer elements of courage, joy and love to our visitors. Sounds like video games again.

Human Nature
We like to compete, compare and contrast. We seek affinity groups and develop our sense of self, at least partially; from the feedback loops provided by our "like me" groups.

The social web is a "peer group" compare, compete and contrast engine. The more we compare, contrast and compete the more fun we have. Sounds like video games again.

I'm going to read Adam's book and report back once I am in reading mode again (after launching CureCancerStarter, cowdfunding cancer research, and, shop to cure cancer, next week. Phase II development for both of those very new ideas is games, gamification and to gamify.


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