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Fighting cyber-bullying in the classroom
Your students have to deal with bullying in ways that you couldn't even have imagined at their age. Today's digital natives are so firmly entrenched in the world of social media and online interactions that cyber-bullying can feel as real to them as the note-passing and cruel whispers felt by your generation.


And cyber-bullying can have terrifying effects on your students' happiness and emotional wellbeing. Highly publicized suicides like those of Phoebe Prince, Megan Meier and others drive home the threat for parents and educators alike.


Talking to your students about cyber-bullying can be a little intimidating—technology is one of those areas where we keenly feel our "uncoolness." Do we know all the latest terms? Are we going to do more harm than good? This article will educate you about cyber-bullying and discuss some classroom strategies to help your students overcome the urge to bully as well as the urge to cover up bullying.