Move Over, Zoom, Holograms Are Next | healthcare technology |

Holograms are 3D video images of real people doing stuff such as presenting or performing "live" somewhere (albeit in digital holographic form).


It’s now possible to "beam" to a remote conference stage to deliver a presentation or participate in a panel discussion as if you were there in person. Conversely, several people's holograms can simultaneously present at a conference or in a meeting and interact with each other as well as live presenters or performers.


The COVID-19 pandemic has a lot of people thinking about the future of communication and collaboration. While videoconferencing has been the necessary go-to substitute for business travel and working at the office, users complain it's not the same as in-person interactions.


Some organizations are adopting holograms as a new form of virtual presence, and it's making a memorable impact on audiences given its novelty.


Companies in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries are similarly using holograms to educate groups of doctors and medical practitioners.


For example, instead of sending them to a posh vacation spot to learn about a new drug, pharmaceutical companies are instead inviting them to hotels for a meal and a presentation that includes the use of holograms. Pharmaceutical companies are able to cut costs and the doctors don't have to allot two or three days just to attend a relatively short presentation.


Holograms aren't just science fiction anymore and their arrival seems to be well-timed, especially given the COVID-19 pandemic. There's also an early market "wow" factor that organizations can use to differentiate themselves.