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Beyond Peter Drucker’s Five Most Important Questions

Beyond Peter Drucker’s Five Most Important Questions | ISC Recruiting News & Views |
Peter Drucker believed the five most important questions you will ever ask about your organization are:

What is our Mission?
Who is our Customer?
What does the Customer Value?
What are our Results?
What is our Plan?
Ann Zaslow-Rethaber's insight:

Terrific article that highlights Peter Druckers 5 most important questions that every leader should be asking themselves about their company, and every individual, should be asking about themselves.  


When you get your answers, decide if your current  team is who you need to get you where you want to go. 


If you need help building or top grading your team,  please feel free to Contact US    Since 1999 ISC has been providing exceptional candidates to companies across the US for critical fill roles. 



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Nearly 50% of Upper-Level Managers Avoid Holding People Accountable

Nearly 50% of Upper-Level Managers Avoid Holding People Accountable | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

I’ve never been asked to lead a workshop on how to hold ourselves accountable. It’s always about others. That is the heart of the problem.

Ann Zaslow-Rethaber's insight:

Inspect what you expect. 


Holding people accountable is undoubtedly the toughest part of managing others, and the most important skill set to improve if you want to elevate your teams performance in 2018. 



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How to Seize End-of-Year-Power

How to Seize End-of-Year-Power | ISC Recruiting News & Views |



End of year conversations carry unique weight.



Why not stoke some fires? A forward-facing conversation with you transforms attitudes.


A good word from you  can energize effort.



Ann Zaslow-Rethaber's insight:

LOVE this!


5 ways to harness END OF YEAR POWER!



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A 10-Year Study Reveals What Great Executives Know and Do

A 10-Year Study Reveals What Great Executives Know and Do | ISC Recruiting News & Views |
Despite the huge impact executives can have on their organizations, failure rates remain high.


Prescriptions for what to do continue to fall short.


So we wondered: If we closely studied the executives who succeed in top jobs once appointed, could we identify distinguishing features that set them apart and defined their success?


The answer, is yes!

Ann Zaslow-Rethaber's insight:

Intriguing research from Harvard, reporting data from an intensive 10 year study, brings us some valuable information.


Turns out that there are 4 very consistent  patterns that distinguished exceptional executives from all others.


What separated the “best of the best” from everyone else is a consistent display of mastery across four highly correlated dimensions, while “good” executives may have only excelled in two or three.


Leaders who have invested in learning how to excel in all 4 areas consistently outperformed all others, by a large margin. 


Curious what these 4 very unique skill sets are? 





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Be a glass half full leader

Be a glass half full leader | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

If you’re leading a team, positivity from the top trickles down and can be a great motivator for your team. 


Positive people don’t just have a good day; they MAKE it a good day

Ann Zaslow-Rethaber's insight:

Being enthusiastic is contagious.


Being negative is contagious.


Be mindful of which attitude you want to have your team 'catch' from you. 



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How to Improve Your Vibe and Flourish as a Leader

How to Improve Your Vibe and Flourish as a Leader | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Leaders send vibes to everyone in their proximity. If you want to flourish, choose how you show up. Leadership vibes: Inner thoughts and attitudes radiate through facial expressions, body language, tone, and language. Here are some examples of the vibe given off by people; I know. I’m consumed with myself. I show up to serve.…

Ann Zaslow-Rethaber's insight:

LOVE this article! Who is brave enough to ask your team to write down on a piece of paper...anonymously...what message you broadcast through your body language?  Read more to find out some common traits that may be sending a message that you do not want received.  

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4 Simple Things Every Team Wants From Their Leader

4 Simple Things Every Team Wants From Their Leader | ISC Recruiting News & Views |
Leadership is simple. Don't overcomplicate it.
Ann Zaslow-Rethaber's insight:

After recruiting for 20 years now, I think I have heard it all in terms of what makes bad managers. We all know what makes a bad manager, but what makes a GOOD manager? This article outlines the 4 primary things that go into being a manager that people want to work for. Quick read, take a minute to hear about the 4 most important things that you can do as a manger to have your team singing your praises AND most importantly, giving you the results that you need.  

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How Can You Spot Really Good Leaders? They Do Any of These 7 Things Daily

With some things in life, like exceptional leadership traits, there are specific things that ALL great leaders have. 

Ann Zaslow-Rethaber's insight:

Good article that defines the 7 important things that ALL great leaders do, on a daily basis.  

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Two Simple Systems for Generating Positive Energy in Others

Two Simple Systems for Generating Positive Energy in Others | ISC Recruiting News & Views |
4 principles of energy:

#1. People have energy. Lousy organizations drain it.

#2. Energy flows toward meaningful action. When people lose energy they’re doing things that aren’t fulfilling.

#3. Energy increases with clarity and forward movement. Sustained confusion drains.

#4. Leaders impact energy. Successful leaders protect, nurture, and ignite energy inside others. Foolish leaders suck the life out of people.

Ann Zaslow-Rethaber's insight:



Every single person has generates  energy....and that energy is primarily comprised of either Positive Energy, or Negative Energy.


Which Energy field would people describe YOU as having?


If you do not leave people infused with POSITIVE ENERGY after interacting with you, you are depleting them with after every exchange. 



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An Email Invitation to a Forward-Facing End of Year Conversation

An Email Invitation to a Forward-Facing End of Year Conversation | ISC Recruiting News & Views |
Please reflect on your work experience over the last month or two and complete the following sentences.

My energy went up when I ….

My energy went down when I ….



Ann Zaslow-Rethaber's insight:

FANTASTIC article that gives SCRIPTS to help your team create a road map to achieve MORE in 2018. 

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How to Start the Week Like a Leader

How to Start the Week Like a Leader | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Purpose expands the world.

Yes, you want to make a profit, expand your business, and serve your customers. But what’s behind all that?

How will life be better for others if you succeed?
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Employees Leave Bosses, Not Companies

Employees Leave Bosses, Not Companies | ISC Recruiting News & Views |
All of us have heard this statement at some point, and it turns out to be true. A recent Gallup survey showed that just over 50% of employees who have quit their job have done so to get away from their bosses. Another study, concluded in 2016, put the number right at 75%. That's a lot.
Ann Zaslow-Rethaber's insight:

Intriguing data suggests that between 50% and 75% of  people that quit their jobs, choose to leave their position  primarily because of their direct supervisor.  


People are not choosing to quit because of the company product or services, corporate culture, , not because of  their comp plan, lack of career path, poor benefit package, not because of their work environment, not the commute, travel schedule, but overwhelming, the number one reason people choose to jump ship, is specifically, because of their boss.   


If you are in a leadership role, this is valuable information.


Read on to learn the top 5 behaviors that supervisors had in common, that employees consistently  cite for choosing to resign.     

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A week with the military has changed how I will lead and hire. Wish I'd discovered this sooner.

A week with the military has changed how I will lead and hire. Wish I'd discovered this sooner. | ISC Recruiting News & Views |
If we don’t train, we won’t be better, and if we’re not better, then we’ll be dead
Ann Zaslow-Rethaber's insight:

Just a few of the powerful reminders that our military leaders embody that can and should translate into corporate America leadership principals...


Simple but powerful stuff and widely applicable to everyday life:


  • Win the trust, respect, and affection of your troops (employees). And don’t mistake popularity for affection.
  • There is a critical difference between making a mistake in seeking to carry out an intent (this is okay and can fixed through training) vs. a lack of effort or discipline, which is unforgivable.
  • : “We whip our enemies and then we welcome them.”
  • Apply Einstein’s wisdom which he paraphrased: “If I had an hour to save the world, I would spend 55 minutes defining the problem and 5 minutes solving the problem.”


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This Is The Key To Finding A Mentor At Every Stage Of Your Career

This Is The Key To Finding A Mentor At Every Stage Of Your Career | ISC Recruiting News & Views |
We get it, finding a mentor can be difficult and time-consuming. But when you do find one (or two), they can save you from making costly mistakes that can set you back in your career. Simply put, having a mentor will improve the quality of your decisions and provide opportunities that won’t be available to you otherwise.
Ann Zaslow-Rethaber's insight:

We all know the truth behind the saying 'If I Knew Then What I Know Now". Building upon that philosophy, nurturing mentoring relationships in your professional life, can help you immeasurably in your quest to achieve specific professional  goals. The key of reciprocity is never stronger , than in establishing mentoring relationships in business. Be cognizant of building relationships with someone that can help you advance your skills in certain areas, and equally important, always be open to returning that gift in imparting your wisdom to someone else. After being in the recruiting world for a quarter of a century now, I always enjoy sharing  some of my painful lessons with others to spare them the pain while imparting the lessons, and in turn have gained immeasurably in learning shortcuts and how to use some of the amazing tools that are now available from some of the technically savvy mentees that I have mentored. Being mindful of building relationships with people that are on the same career path as you, and being cognizant of how you can help each other, can result in tremendous benefits from both parties.     

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3 Ways to Create a Culture of Accountability

3 Ways to Create a Culture of Accountability | ISC Recruiting News & Views |
“It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad.”
C.S. Lewis, novelist and poet
Ann Zaslow-Rethaber's insight:

“It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad.”
C.S. Lewis, novelist and poet

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