International residents represented 46% of the total population | Luxembourg | Europe | Luxembourg (Europe) |
Statec report: Nearly half of Luxembourg residents and seven out of ten people working in the country are foreign nationals. The Grand Duchy’s native-born and foreign-national populations have reached record highs. Sta...

Seven out of ten workers foreign

Although non-Luxembourgers were nearly half of the resident population at the beginning of this year, separate figures released by Statec last month found that foreign citizens made up 71.7% of the country’s workforce.

Foreign citizens living in Luxembourg accounted for 27.4% of all employees and cross-border commuters represented 44.3% of total workers at the end of last year. Luxembourg nationals living in the Grand Duchy were 28.3% of the workforce.

There were 371,580 people working in Luxembourg as of 31 December 2014, Statec reported.