Hi-Tech: Luxembourg startup looks to transform high street shopping | #Startups #Europe #ICT #iNuiStudio | Luxembourg (Europe) | Scoop.it

Luxembourg startup “iNui Studio” in partnership with Samsung in Europe looks to transform simple shop window displays into interactive high-tech tools, which could revolutionise the way we shop on the high street.

The patented technology (AirxTouch ™ Bar) transforms "every surface, regardless of the conditions into an interactive display," promises the young company from Foetz.

The technology has a lot to offer: it works around the clock in all light conditions. "The bar transforms a normal screen into an interactive display in less than a millisecond, making it an instant attraction for the passers-by".

The technology also works through double and triple glass panes and doesn't require your fingers to touch the surface. "Even with gloves, the hand becomes the mouse pointer: pressing, zooming and wiping as you like," the company promises to introduce its innovation at the "ISE Integrated Systems Europe" (7-10 February) in Amsterdam.


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