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on peer-to-peer dynamics in politics, the economy and organizations
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Why Boards Must Look Beyond Shareholders

Why Boards Must Look Beyond Shareholders | Peer2Politics |
Shareholder primacy is an ideology, not law, and boards have the option to consider other audiences.
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What Shakespeare taught me about Marxism - The Guardian

What Shakespeare taught me about Marxism - The Guardian | Peer2Politics |

Once you accept that feudalism existed, and capitalism does, there’s a big academic debate about what caused the collapse of feudalism and the rise of capitalism. Shakespeare managed to get to the essence of it without having knowledge of the terms feudalism and capitalism. Feudalism was a word invented to describe medieval society once it was over, by 17th century historians. As for capitalism, Shakespeare had seen only the earliest form of it, yet he described it well.

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Capitalism: What is the purpose of business? | People-Centered Economic Development

Capitalism: What is the purpose of business? | People-Centered Economic Development | Peer2Politics |

At first glance, it might seem redundant to emphasize people as the central focus of economics. After all, isn't the purpose of economics, as well as business, people? Aren't people automatically the central focus of business and economic activities? Yes and no.

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The Next Economy: After 'MarketWorld'

The Next Economy: After 'MarketWorld' | Peer2Politics |

When the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 and took communism with it, the well-respected consulting firm Global Business Network (GBN) was asked to paint alternative scenarios for a post-Communist world. They developed three scenarios:

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Capitalism 4.0 & Neuroplasticity of the Collective Brain

Capitalism 4.0 & Neuroplasticity of the Collective Brain | Peer2Politics |

Enough. For All, Forever describes an unusual circumstance in our global drama. It recognizes two rapidly emerging global phenomenons: the increasing access to everything worldwide dubbed the birth of the "Post-Scarcity Society" and the urgency to curb the worldwide clamities of climate change, disease, and poverty caused by the increasing access to everything by employing the methods of Sustainable Development.

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The Transition to Free Libre and Open Source So...

The Transition to Free Libre and Open Source So... | Peer2Politics |
The period of transition between our current capitalist economic and social system and a socialist economy is a very controversial subject among socialists.
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The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind - Hidden Secrets of Money 4 - Mike Maloney

You are about to learn one of the biggest secrets in the history of the world... it's a secret that has huge effects for everyone who lives on this planet. Most people can feel deep down that something isn't quite right with the world economy, but few know what it is. 
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Erik Olin Wright on Transforming Capitalism through Real Utopias | P2P Foundation

Erik Olin Wright on Transforming Capitalism through Real Utopias | P2P Foundation | Peer2Politics |

Professor Wright is Professor of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin (Madison). He is one of the world’s leading analysts of contemporary class formation, and his work in this area has been of influence across the social sciences and beyond.

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Has Capitalism Reached A Turning Point?

Has Capitalism Reached A Turning Point? | Peer2Politics |
In the early 16th Century, the movement objecting to the flagrant greed and corruption in the Roman Catholic Church, now known as the Protestant Reformation, got under way in earnest. In 1517 in Germany, Martin Luther posted his “Ninety-Five Theses.” At about the same time in Switzerland, Huldrych Zwingli launched a reform movement with a remarkably similar set of “Sixty-Seven Conclusions.” The recently-introduced printing press helped spread these ideas rapidly from place to place, but unresolved differences kept the reform movements separate. At the time, the prospects of reform looked remote, as the Church, most governments, the ruling classes and civil society supported the continuance of the status quo.
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Eight Acupuncture Points for Transforming Capitalism

Eight Acupuncture Points for Transforming Capitalism | Peer2Politics |

I'm just returning from the annual BALLE conference in Oakland. BALLE (the Business Association for Local Living Economies), is the fastest-growing network of sustainable and value-based enterprises in North America. It was founded some fourteen years ago, but the origins of this networked grassroots movement go back to the 1990s, when Judy Wicks, the founder of the White Dog Café in Philadelphia, decided to source and manage her café 100 percent locally and sustainably, using socially just practices. People loved it and it became a legendary success. But instead of turning her winning formula into a regional or national brand, chain, and eventually an empire, she decided to reinvest her profits in the health and well-being of her local community. She set up a foundation through which she taught everything she had learned to her competitors, using her money to help suppliers upgrade in order to serve all the cafés and restaurants in the region.

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Small Is Beautiful: Impressions of Fritz Schumacher

This film is a short documentary portrait of economist, technologist and lecturer Fritz Schumacher. Up to age 45, Schumacher was dedicated to economic growth. Then he came to believe that the modern technological explosion had grown out of all proportion to human need. Author of Small Is Beautiful - A Study of Economics as if People Mattered and founder of the London-based Intermediate Technology Development Group, he championed the cause of "appropriate" technology. The film introduces us to this gentle revolutionary a few months before his death.

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Reimagining capitalism for people and planet | Management Innovation eXchange

Reimagining capitalism for people and planet | Management Innovation eXchange | Peer2Politics |

What if some businesses were to do things differently? Rather than accept that the responsibility of business was to return a profit to shareholders, what if it made other people the central focus and instead invested in the local community and social objectives?

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Changing the mode of production | Spirit of Contradiction

Changing the mode of production | Spirit of Contradiction | Peer2Politics |

The idea of a mode of production has its genesis amongst the political-economy theorists of the 19th century, a subject which was attracting so much interest was capitalism.  Capitalism – quite a new system – represented a sharp change from the prior mode which was based on direct taxation of subsistence agriculture.

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Our insane civilisation lacks the wisdom to deal with the problems we face - Blue and Green Tomorrow

Our insane civilisation lacks the wisdom to deal with the problems we face - Blue and Green Tomorrow | Peer2Politics |

We’re collectively insane. Our civilisations now appears to be almost psychotic. We’ve created systems that if you were to look at them as if they were individuals, we would see them as being mentally ill to an extreme extent.

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