Anonymous dupes users into joining Megaupload attack | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet |
The Anonymous hacking group recruited unwitting accomplices in Thursday's attacks against U.S. government sites, a security researcher said today.


According to Cluley, members of Anonymous distributed links via Twitter and elsewhere that when clicked automatically launched a Web version of LOIC.


The links pointed to a page on, a free HTML code-hosting site, which in turn executed some JavaScript to fire LOIC at Anonymous-designated targets.


Many of those messages said nothing about LOIC or that clicking the link shanghaied the user into the DDoS attack, Cluley said, noting several Twitter messages as examples.


In an email reply to questions today, Cluley said that while the links were launching LOIC against more than one website, "It's clear that is getting a lot of attention."