This is how ransomware could infect your digital camera | #CyberSecurity #Ransomware | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet |

Security vulnerabilities in popular internet-connected digital cameras could allow hackers to infect them with ransomware, rendering the devices useless, or deploy other forms of malware which could potentially turn a camera into a gateway for infecting larger networks.

Digital cameras use Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP), a standard protocol to transfer digital files. Researchers at cybersecurity company Check Point Software found that it was possible to exploit vulnerabilities in the protocol to infect a camera with ransomware, presenting their findings at the Defcon security conference in Las Vegas.

The researchers looked at the Canon EOS 80D because it has both USB and Wi-Fi connectivity, as well as an extensive modding community which provides open source software for the camera. But while this particular model was chosen for the experiment, researchers warn that any internet-connected digital camera could be vulnerable to the attacks.

"As PTP is widely used by all digital camera vendors, we do believe that similar vulnerabilities will affect other vendors as well," Eyal Itkin, security researcher at Check Point, told ZDNet.


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