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INHOPE Hotlines offer the public a way of anonymously reporting Internet material including child sexual abuse material they suspect to be illegal. The Hotline will ensure that the matter is investigated and if found to be illegal the information will be passed to the relevant Law Enforcement Agency and in many cases the Internet Service Provider hosting the content.


All INHOPE member Hotlines must comply with a set of best practices. Included in this is the Code of Practice.


INHOPE is the International Association of Internet Hotlines. INHOPE coordinates a network of Internet Hotlines all over the world, supporting them in responding to reports of illegal content to make the Internet safer.


INHOPE was founded in 1999 and has grown to a network of 40 Hotlines across the globe. This was achieved with funding and support from the European Commission under the Safer Internet Program. In recent years Internet usage & connectivity have grown rapidly. It has changed the way we communicate, the way we do business and ultimately the way we live.


Sadly there are those who use this technology for illegal activities especially spreading Child Sexual Abuse Material.