Have you ever found information online and was so impressed by such that you used it for your content marketing campaign by posting it into your own blog or social networking account? Well, if you did, you have just done Content Curation.
I've been searching for a good definition of content curation and this blog author hits the proverbial nail on the head when he says
"The idea of curation is showcasing the “best of blog posts”. You search for others’ videos, blog posts, images, tweets, news, or articles and publish them in your own page. In content marketing, always share the good stuff to your readers and never ever be afraid to lose your readers to another site. All you have to do is to consistently provide the best stuff to them and they will keep coming back to you. Also, curation is an excellent way to find incredible ideas that you can use on your own posts."
This is exactly what I do with my readers. I like the way he put it into words. Do you perform this function for your network, following, or readers? Do you consistently draw clients and customers toward you because you provide the filtering of the best information for their needs?
Barry Deutsch
Master Coach for Teaching how to drive Sales Through Social Media
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